
雲のようにひとりぼっちにふらふらとさまよった 谷と丘の上を高く漂って、突然、私は群れを見た、
"I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,"

大勢の黄色いラッパスイセンの花々 湖のほとり、木々の下で 風に揺れながら踊っていた。
"A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze."

"Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the Milky Way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay:"

"Ten thousand I saw at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance." / William Wordsworth (1770 - 1850) "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud"


Graphic Design

岩国病院 website

岩国病院 website

Graphic Design, Photography, Web Design

祖母山麓 癒しの自然巡礼マップ

祖母山麓 癒しの自然巡礼マップ

Editorial, Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Writing

ゆれ体験マット yureta

ゆれ体験マット yureta

Branding, Graphic Design

季刊のぼろ Vol.40

季刊のぼろ Vol.40

Editorial, Editorial Design, Photography, Writing

季刊のぼろ Vol.39

季刊のぼろ Vol.39

Editorial, Editorial Design, Photography, Writing

八面山 八詣(はちもうで)マップ

八面山 八詣(はちもうで)マップ

Branding, Editorial Design, Graphic Design

季刊のぼろ Vol.38

季刊のぼろ Vol.38

Editorial, Editorial Design, Photography, Writing

おかえりなさいき  ISSUE 02

おかえりなさいき  ISSUE 02

Editorial, Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Writing

季刊のぼろ Vol.37

季刊のぼろ Vol.37

Editorial, Editorial Design, Photography, Writing

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